He will be a older lecturer at the Teachers of Economics, Syiah Kuala School, Indonesia. Said Musnadi Section of Management, Teachers of Economics, Syiah Kuala College or university, Banda Aceh Philippines MUSNADI, Stated obtained his PhD from Padjadjaran School. Author's contact details: Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia email: telephone: +553. He provides also introduced his papers in different seminars in your area and globally.

He provides published more than 50 posts in worldwide refereed journals such as International Paper of Emerging Marketplaces, Global Economic Review, Log of Asia-Pacific Company, Research in Economics and Financing, International Newspaper of Managerial Finance, Journal of Economic Co-operation and Growth, Review of Islamic Ecónomics, and JKAU: lslamic Economics. His research interests include monetary economics, applied econometrics, Islamic economics, bank and fund. He is the Head of Islamic Economics Division, Faculty of Economics, Syiah Kuala College, Philippines. In Financial Ecónomics from the International Islamic College or university Malaysia (lIUM) in 19, respectively. He completed his Professional of Economics (M.Ec.) and Ph.G. Obtained his Sarjana Ekónomi (SE) from Syiáh Kuala University, Indonesia, in 1995. Majid Division of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics, Syiah Kuala College or university, Banda Aceh Philippines BD. Keywords: API, Advantages, Pillars, Risk Management, Risk Profile. The impact of the implementation of danger management possess a great effect related to the implementation pillars of indonesia banking architechture so that the framework of banking system healthful, impartial and effective guidance, a strong banking sector, and covered customer.

Contoh Skripsi Perbankan Syariah Kualitatif Pdfīenefits of danger management will be to make a strong banking infrastructure in purchase to enhance the competitiveness of the standard bank but have constraints on reduced surveillance techniques.The outcome displays that, how to handle danger can become completed by determining risks, each risk measure, keep track of and handle risks.

The technique used in this analysis is detailed analysis of the qualitative strategy. This study is designed to determine how to handle bank risk administration, the advantages, advantages and barriers in applying risk administration in banks and the influence of danger management related to pillars of Indonesia Banking Architecture (API).