Red Line MT-85 75W85 GL-4 Manual Transmission Lubricant (Pack of 4) by Red Line Oil. Red Line C+ ATF provides the exact frictional characteristics required in the MS7176 specification, providing proper shift feel and proper lockup torque converter operation. RED LINE C+ ATF satisfies the performance requirements of Chrysler MS7176, ATF+, ATF+2, ATF+3 and ATF+4 while providing 30% greater operating viscosity, 1/3 of the evaporation of petroleum ATFs, improved oxidation and sludge protection.

150PSI 1600PSI 200PSI 300PSI 385 4Bar 500PSI 5Bar 70 Amp Acc Accesories Accessories AMC Analog apparel Aux Harness BB bdtest Billet Atomizer BOOST Boost Control Cam Sync CAN Chevrolet Coil Harness Coil On Plug Coils Components CONTROL Coyote Crank Trigger DBW Harness DIS dis coils Displays Distributor dominator Dual 70 Amp Relay Board ECU EFI EFI Accessories egt Electronics Featured fic Filter Ford Fuel Fuel Kits Fuel System fuel tank gas Gas tank Gauges Gauges/Display Harness Kit HEMI Holley Holley EFI Hyperspark Ignition Ignition Harness Induction Injector Injector Harness Injectors Intake Intakes jeep Kits LCD Display Leash Leash Electronics LMHEMI Loop LS LT Main Harness Manifolds MAP Map Sensor Misc MM Modules Mopar Motion MOTION RACE WORKS Motion Raceworks MPFI MPFIKit Nitrous NTK OEM Olds Oxygen Sensor Parts Plug Wires Polished Pontiac Power Harness PREESURE TRANSDUCER Pressure Transducer Pumps Rails redline Regulators Relay Board Ride Height RIFE sale SB Sensor Sensors Service smart coil Sniper Subcomponents tank TBIKIT ter Terminator TermX TermX Stealth The Gate-Way Throttle Bodies TPS Track temp Transmission Control Universal Water Meth WBO2 Wideband Wideband O2 WM.REDLINE BOOST CONTROL & WATER METH KITS.